Summer 2020 B Term MATH 307

MATH 307F: Introduction to Differential Equations

Instructor: David Clancy

Email address:

Office Hours: I’ll have two hours (Thursdays 9am-11am Seattle time) of in-person office hours each week, and I’ll record solutions to several homework questions each week. The solutions will be more-or-less step-by-step solutions.

Office Hours Location: There will be a zoom link posted on Canvas (class restricted link).

Useful External Resources (included roughly in the order they are used in class)

This course is just during the Summer B term which lasts July 23, 2020 - August 21, 2020. It is just over 4 weeks.

Important Note: Some of the references to certain weeks in the lecture videos will probably not apply. The videos were recorded during Spring 2020 and include 22 lectures. Since there are only 13 lectures, most of the “class” days include two lectures.

Week Pre-recorded Lecture Videos Topics and Textbook Sections Additional Material
Week 1 Friday
July 24
Modelling Direction Fields. YouTube Panopto
Euler’s Method and Separable ODEs (part 1) YouTube Panopto
Prerequisite Skills
Basic Modelling and Solutions
Euler’s Method
Separable ODEs
Sections 1.1, 1.2, 2.7
Some notes for the recorded videos: here
Week 2 Monday
July 27
Euler’s Method and Separable ODEs (part 2) YouTube Panopto
Newton’s Laws and Freefalling Objects YouTube Panopto
Euler’s Method
Separable ODEs
Linear First Order
Sections: 2.7, 2.2, 2.1
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1 video 2
Week 2 Wednesday
July 29
Free Falling Objects and Separable ODEs YouTube Panopto
Linear First Order Differential Equations YouTube Panopto
Linear First Order ODEs
Section: 2.1
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1 video 2
Week 2 Friday
July 31
Linear First Order (cont.) YouTube Panopto
Mixing YouTube Panopto
Modeling with First Order ODEs
Sections: 2.3, 2.5
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1 video 2
Week 3 Monday
August 3
Logistic Growth Problems YouTube Panopto
Second Order Differential Equations YouTube Panopto
Population Dynamics
Second Order ODEs
Sections: 2.5, 3.1
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1 video 2
Notes on complex numbers
Week 3 Wednesday
August 5
Second Order Differential Equations (cont.) YouTube Panopto
Factoring Differential Operators YouTube Panopto
Roots and Second Order ODEs
Sections: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
Some notes for the recorded videos: here
Week 3 Friday
August 7
Midterm Exam Midterm Topics (TBA)  
Week 4 Monday
August 10
Method of Undetermined Coefficients YouTube Panopto
Harmonic Oscillator YouTube Panopto
Method of Undetermined Coefficients
Harmonic Oscillators
Sections: 3.5, 3.7
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1
Week 4 Wednesday
August 12
Damped Harmonic Oscillator YouTube Panopto
Harmonic Oscillators with Forced Vibrations YouTube Panopto
Harmonic Oscillators
Sections: 3.7, 3.8
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1 video 2 video 2
Week 4 Friday
August 14
Forced Vibrations YouTube Panopto
Correction YouTube Panopoto
Forced Vibrations and Laplace Transforms YouTube Panopto
Laplace Transforms
Sections: 3.8, 6.1
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1 video 2
Week 5 Monday
August 17
Partial Fractions Review YouTube Panopto
Step/Heaviside Functions YouTube Panopto
Partial Fractions
Laplace Transform Using a Table
Inverse Laplace Transform Using a Table
Initial Value Problems with Laplace Transforms
Sections: 6.1, 6.2
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 2
Week 5 Wednesday
August 19
Discontinuous Forcing YouTube Panopto
Delta Functions YouTube Panopto
Step Functions
Discontinuous Forcing
Delta Functions
Sections: 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
Some notes for the recorded videos: video 1
Week 5 Friday
August 21
Final Exam Final Exam Topics (TBA)